Scams and Seniors
Staying Safe
Fraud can happen to anyone, but some criminals target seniors. Scammers can target you anywhere - online, on the phone, in person or by mail. Stay safe by knowing the warning signs of fraud when selling or buying a home.
Reverse Mortgages
Reverse mortgage loans are a popular home financing option for people age 62 and over. These loans allow seniors to convert their home equity into cash, without any monthly mortgage payments. Some people, however, run into fraudulent situations with these types of loans.
Reverse mortgage scams can take many forms, but they typically involve either:
A perpetrator misleading someone into taking out a reverse mortgage loan in order to steal from them
A perpetrator convincing someone to take out a loan that isn’t the best available option
There are steps you can take to avoid a fraudulent loan situation and seek action against someone who has defrauded you. Before taking out a reverse mortgage loan, consider other options. And, always consult your Mainstreet REALTOR® about safe, vetted loan options.

Fake Calls from the IRS
You may get a call from someone claiming to be from the IRS, saying you owe money and need to pay it back immediately. If someone asks for money over the phone, hang up. Even if the caller has personal information about you, the IRS would never demand immediate payment over the phone. This person is likely a scammer.
Home Improvement Scams
If someone approaches your doorstep offering to repair something in or around your home, don’t let them in. Or, if they ask for money upfront, avoid doing business with them. They may take your money without ever coming back to make repairs.
How to Avoid Fraud
The best way to avoid being a victim of fraud is to be cautious about who you share your personal information with, and to monitor your finances. Check your tax statements and bank statements closely. You can also invest in a real estate monitoring service, which tracks property transfers or unauthorized liens in county public records. Similarly, credit monitoring services help protect you from identity theft.
What to do in a Fraudulent Situation
If you believe you’re a victim of fraud, contact your local authorities immediately. If you were misled into signing a fraudulent contract, you may need to get a lawyer. Other resources you can turn to include:
Filing a complaint with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
The Illinois Attorney General’s Office Senior Citizens Consumer Fraud Hotline at 1-800-243-5377 or 1-800-964-3013.
The Illinois Department on Aging Senior HelpLine at 217-524-6911.