Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources

Mainstreet REALTORS® is committed to breaking down barriers and fostering fair housing for all. We believe that every person deserves a place to call home, regardless of background. The resources below have been curated to help empower our Members to elevate their businesses, advance homeownership and expand opportunities. Together, let's build communities where everyone has equal access to housing, creating a brighter & more inclusive future.


Mainstreet Launches New Video Series: Representation Matters

Representation Matters is a new series that gives diversity, equity and inclusion a captivating new spin. We are empowering our members to share their real experiences and shed light on important issues REALTORS® are facing within the real estate industry.  


Tools & Resources from NAR 

2023 Snapshot of Race and Home Buying in America
At Home with Diversity® (AHWD)
An Overview of the Fair Housing Act
Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing
Fairhaven: A Fair Housing Simulation
Fair Housing Assets
L.E.A.D. DEI Course
Project Implicit
REALTORS® Believe Fairness is Worth Fighting For

Additional Tools and Resources

13 Ways to Celebrate Arab American Heritage Month
POV: Coming Home

Multicultural Real Estate Organizations

Mainstreet collaborates with a number of community organizations that make a positive difference in communities. Learn about Mainstreet's Multicultural Real Estate Organizations and all of Mainstreet's Allied Organizations below.


Books With Issues That Matter to Us

Deepening your understanding of Fair Housing begins with education and relevant resources. Expand your knowledge and dive into one (or all) of the books below!

Watch Yesterday's Events Today!

Check out the Fair Housing and Mainstreet Book Club tabs on Mainstreet On-Demand for additional Fair Housing video resources.


Videos, Films & Other Media 


Talking About Race

Resources and tools provided by the National Museum of African American History & Culture to help you learn how to talk about race.

Anti-Racist Guide

This document was created to be used as a resource for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of anti-racism and get involved to combat racism, specifically as it relates to anti-Blackness.

Array 101

Array 101 is an online education initiative delivering dynamic social impact learning guides through films and other original content. Their mission is to amplify storytelling by Black artists, people of color and women directors of all kinds.

Did we miss something? Let us know!

Email us with suggestions, questions or comments. We want to listen and learn together.