Slow Season? Earn a Designation


It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and not just because it’s the holiday season. As the slower season creeps back in, you have the opportunity to take a few steps back, breath, and get prepared and focused on the new year ahead. But what should you do during this time? Looking to get more organized? Now is your opportunity to create or update your business and marketing plans. Looking to expand your network? Take this time to attend more networking events and get your name out there. You may also want to use this time to further your education with us to make yourself more marketable to future clients. If that is the case, we have many opportunities for you! 

You can earn designations and certificateswith us during your down time. Designations are great learning opportunities for you to become specialized in specific fields, such as working with military families (MRP) and learning how to represent your buyers in the best way (ABR). You can find the different designation and certification classes we offer at Mainstreet by going to our calendar page here, then filtering By Course Type and selecting Designation/Certifications. Register for designations and certification classes today, and check out our course calendar here to register for future classes to complete your C.E. requirements.